Supercharge Your Diet, Move Your Body and Confidently Take Control of Your Nutrition

For many women, pregnancy can be uncomfortable. Rightfully so! Your body is utilizing all of its resources to grow a tiny human while you go about your already busy day-to-day life.

With your body working overtime, it’s essential to nourish and replenish vital nutrients now, so you feel energized for the remainder of your pregnancy and can recover even faster after birth.

Between doctor's appointments, preparing for the arrival of your new baby, and juggling every other aspect of your life, it can be so overwhelming to think about how you should be caring for yourself and your unborn child.

And with the sheer amount of information that’s out there, trying to find out can exhaust you before you even begin.

I get it. I’ve been there!

That’s why, as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I’m dedicated to supporting and guiding you in all things nutrition and wellness for your unique pregnancy experience.


Pregnancy is in fact the best and most precious time to optimize you and your baby’s health. It’s a time you can’t afford to waste or procrastinate in getting the complete care you need. 

I believe pregnancy is not only the most important time of a woman’s life, but also the most transformative. By nourishing your body, you’re also nurturing your baby and giving he/she the healthiest possible beginning.

You don’t have to ‘suffer’ through the next 9 months! You can feel stunning, gorgeous, beautiful and sexy - like you could be on the cover of Vogue. I’m not even kidding!

The Truth Is...

You can feel educated, empowered, and excited to start a family, while honoring yourself in the process. 

You can have an elevated experience centered around learning, growth and new insight that leaves you feeling well cared for.

You can feel empowered and in control of your health & vibrancy

You can stop questioning whether you’re doing the right combination of things and be confident in the nutrition you and your baby are receiving.


No more late night Google searches, bouncing from blog to blog, ordering every pregnancy book on Amazon, or bringing a list of concerns to your physician only to feel like you leave with more questions than answers.

I’m breaking things down step-by-step based on intensive, clinical research and personal experience so you can breathe a sigh of relief and focus on things like preparing your home, enjoying time with your partner, or simply feeling joyful and excited - not worried and living in fear.

Signature Pregnancy Course


TGM’s Signature Pregnancy Course goes beyond the generic "drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables" advice.

Most women aren’t even aware of the natural, alternative modalities that can help you flourish.

I’m sharing everything I know about powerful and attainable ways to supercharge your diet with targeted nutrients and specific supplements! Let's talk about bone broths, healing savoury elixirs, golden spiced hot cacao and more! 

Let your epicurean tastes take you on an adventure as you discover ways to naturally nourish yourself.

The Module Outline

Here’s What’s On the Course Menu...

Module 1: The Foundation of Health 

Discover what’s meant by the term “holistic nutrition” and wellness, how it’s relevant to your pregnancy and how to actionable take charge of your health without necessarily running to the grocery store.

Module 2: Holistic Nutrition Deep Dive

We’re going deep into the research of pregnancy nutrients from macronutrients, to targeted vitamins and minerals, to specific supplements. We'll also address common misconceptions about nutrition so you can discover, explore, and define holistic nutrition for yourself.

Module 3: Targeted Remedies For Common Conditions

Let’s help you make sense of the reasons behind the most commonly experienced conditions during pregnancy. Learn ways to naturally support and heal your hardworking and growing body to overcome the 10 most common pregnancy conditions.

Module 4: Ancient Wisdom To Get Glowing 

Explore ancient wisdom drawing from TCM and Ayurvedic principles to complement your pregnancy nutrition and wellness. We’re going to focus on therapeutic foods and rituals to naturally and safely boost your pregnancy diet.  

Module 5: Pregnancy Enhancing Wellness & Exercise

Round out your TGM lifestyle with a taste of non-toxic wellness and pregnancy safe endorphin-boosting movement. Learn from our expert pelvic floor physiotherapist how to improve mobility and strengthening key muscles in your core & pelvic floor to better prepare for birth and beyond.

Bonus Module: Your Golden Birth & Beyond

This final, bonus module provides you with a detailed overview of how you can prepare for birth and beyond for the most supported and aligned postpartum possible. Empower yourself with tips to take advantage of your first critical and golden hour, as well as your golden month and beyond.

Inside the Pregnancy Course You'll Discover:

A balanced, holistic fusion of Eastern and Western modalities

A full breakdown of the clinically proven nutrients and supplements you need for pregnancy (and why they're important)

Targeted nutritional recommendations to give you the exact nutrients you need to feel your best and foster healthy development of your baby

How to pick pregnancy enhancing supplements and exactly what to look for so you get the best value and health

Methods to supercharge your diet and unlock the full nutrients of the food you eat

The most common dietary misconceptions that are impeding you from having the healthiest pregnancy possible

How to naturally manage common pregnancy conditions and ailments

Expert-led exercises to address and encourage your overall physical fitness

Expert-led content by our pelvic floor physiotherapist to help inform and empower you for birth

Impactful wellness and self-care rituals to inspire you to create your own non-toxic routine

All presented on beautifully designed slides for you to easily follow along and take notes - (plus so much more below!). I believe your learning experience should not only deliver valuable information, but leave you feeling inspired and cared for.

buy for $397

buy for 5 X $97



Having a new baby is such a transitional time in life. [These courses] felt like having a friend there. Such great information and now I feel a lot more prepared.

- Melissa

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"Good information presented clearly in an encouraging & non-judgemental way. "

I feel like I have done my research on prenatal nutrition and I still learned quite a bit from this course! Most lessons
included tips on how to implement and incorporate the information presented into our life in a realistic way.

- Lyndsey

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Who's Teaching?

Meet Your Instructor

Vivian Tong

Hi love! I’m Vivian, the founder of The Gaia Method (TGM) and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I’m a fellow mama and an avid traveler who was born in Hong Kong, most recently resided in Cambridge, and now currently living in Vancouver.

These life experiences have allowed me to take years of exploration and infuse TGM’s courses with a fusion of Eastern & Western modalities. I’m obsessed with helping women feel radiant before, during and after pregnancy so every mother can feel like the total goddess she is. When I’m not caring for my son Jasper, I’m likely to be found sipping on my latest concoction, educating & creating content for TGM, or taking my own advice and immersing in self-care.

Let’s thrive through this journey of motherhood together, shall we?

Choosing to become a mother is a profound step. Choosing to take care of yourself is

an even greater one.

Ready to Get Glowing?

Choose Your Course Track

Get TGM’s Signature Pregnancy Course

track one

Complete nutrition & wellness for all three trimesters

the single course track includes:

- 5 Core Modules

- 1 Bonus Module

- Plus 3 Expert-Led Pelvic Floor and Pregnancy Safe Workout Videos to keep you feeling confident and empowered 

- An Exclusive and Thoughtful 30-page Workbook

- An Epicurean 25-page Recipe Book

- 9 Extra Bonus Specials to supercharge your pregnancy health and help you implement holistic wellness

$397 USD

One-time payment or 5 payments of $97

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Glow Up With Both Courses

track two

Total care for yourself and baby from the beginning to birth & beyond

The Double Course Bundle Includes:

- TGM's Signature Pregnancy Course

- TGM's Signature Postpartum Course

- 10 Core Modules

- 2 Bonus Modules

- Plus 8 Expert-Led Pelvic Floor and Gentle Workout Videos to keep you feeling confident and empowered for whatever season you’re in

- 2 Exclusive Workbooks (over 45 pages)

- 2 Epicurean Recipe Books (over 70 pages)

- And 17 Extra Bonus Specials to elevate your pregnancy and postpartum

$675 USD

One-time payment or 5 payments of $145
*Get a 15% savings!*

buy the course bundle

Looking for just the Postpartum course? Head here.

Do I Need Both Courses?

Depending on where you’re at along your journey, here’s why it’s best to double-up on your TGM experience.

The courses work together as a synergistic method, and they naturally flow from one into the other.

The pregnancy course is all about supercharging your nutrition and lifestyle so you can have the healthiest baby possible. But your health and wellness doesn’t just stop after you give birth. In fact, your body has very specific and high nutrient demands to properly recover in postpartum. That’s why the postpartum course is all about deeply replenishing your body and boosting baby’s health through lactation.

For example, if you’re planning on having children close together, or you’ve recently just had a baby and would like to try soon for another, the postpartum course is perfect because you’ll learn all the ways to replenish your body and prevent postpartum depletion.

It will further compliment and segue back into the prenatal course where you’ll learn all the ways to boost your health and get the best start possible for your next pregnancy.




Because pregnancy health is never attributed to diet alone, you need a holistic approach to prenatal nutrition and lifestyle. From non-toxic skincare to pregnancy safe exercises to pelvic floor health, TGM truly elevates pregnancy care for the modern woman.

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Vivian [has] helped me a lot throughout my pregnancy and postpartum with her amazing digital courses. If you're expecting, trying to conceive, or just had your baby, check out her [courses] for very useful information!" 

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Gain Access to These FREE


Bonus 1: TGM in the Kitchen

A nourishing recipe eBook jam-packed with resources - from a curated shopping list for your pantry to a supplement guide to epicurean recipes to get you cooking. Feel nourished through the different stages of pregnancy and even up to birth with your specialized labour diet plan.

Bonus 2: Pregnancy Planning Journal

A thoughtful pregnancy planning workbook so you can create your ideal birth plan, nourish yourself and feel supported in every way.

Bonus 3: Empowering Your Ability To Birth

An enlightening pelvic floor centered video from our partner pelvic floor physiotherapist to educate, inform and address all your questions and fears about birth (trust us, it’s pertinent information).

Bonus 4: The Gentle Pregnancy Workout

An exclusive workout designed and led by a prenatal personal trainer to help you gently and safely move through all stages of pregnancy.

Bonus 5: The Nausea Survival Guide

Filled with actionable and proven methods to reduce nausea and help you get through the queasy moments of pregnancy.

Bonus 6: TGM’s Ultimate Supplements Guide

Discover the most important nutrients and supplements you need in pregnancy to nourish yourself and give baby the best start possible.

Bonus 7: Glow From Within

Learn how to naturally nourish your pregnancy glow from within, starting with the diet.

Bonus 8: The Healthy Fats Guide

Healthy fats are absolutely vital to your baby’s brain development. Learn about all the different fats and how to select the best fats for you and your baby’s long term health.

Bonus 9: Boost Your Nutrients Stores

Your pregnant body has extremely high demands that surge more than 3 times for specific nutrients, like protein. Learn specifically how to combine plant based proteins for an extra healthy boost of protein for you and your baby’s health.

Bonus 10: Ancient Wisdom For Pregnancy

Unearth time-tested TCM and Ayurvedic rituals designed to uniquely complement and boost your pregnancy experience.

Bonus 11: That Gaia Glow

Discover non-toxic beauty solutions to safely and naturally enhance your pregnancy goddess glow. 

This Course is Tailor-Made For You If:

You’re looking to become pregnant or are currently pregnant

You’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information or you’re spending countless hours on Google

You want to go deeper with nutrition and understand how to naturally nourish yourself

You love wellness and want a non-judgmental, holistic guide to help you discover what you don’t know

You want to give your child the best possible start and feel assured you’ve done everything within your power

You want to supercharge your diet and explore foods, supplements and recipes that fill gaps in your diet and boosts you and your baby’s health

This Course May Not Be Right for You If...

You're late into your pregnancy.

You will absolutely still benefit from this course as the resources are designed for the entire pregnancy, but the Postpartum course may be better suited to you, so you can learn:

How to start nourishing your body now so you can deeply nourish and fast-track your recovery after birth

Discover ways to supercharge your lactation nutrition so you can boost baby’s health 

All the vital things most women miss about their pelvic floor and how to safely heal it from an expert physiotherapist 

How to replenish and revitalize your diet for the 4th trimester and beyond. We are not offering you a “lose the baby weight” diet plan. We want to encourage you to eat and enjoy the foods you love while staying healthy. You can even have butter! Yup, I said it!

The step-by-step guide to organizing and creating a postpartum haven (most women spend all their time on their birth plan but don’t even think about the help and nourishment they need in postpartum when it’s the most important)

TGM’s Signature Postpartum Banking Framework so you can feel supported and grounded after your baby’s arrival and embrace every moment

By supercharging your diet and properly caring for yourself, it is possible to thrive, not just survive, and feel like the total goddess you are! After completing this course, you will feel strong, confident in your nutrition, no longer overwhelmed or fearful and in awe of your incredible body. 


1. How long will it take to complete the course?

The estimated time to complete each module is approximately 30 minutes. With 5 core modules and one bonus module, you’re looking at up to 3 hours, plus any additional self-study and implementation. But don’t worry, you can go at your own pace!

2. How long will I have access to the course for?

Customers get lifetime access and the latest updates to the course as there’s always new scientific evidence that becomes available with recommendations to boost mom and baby’s health. We pride ourselves on being on-top of these new insights so you don’t have to! That is what it’s all about - relying on our courses as the premier resource to optimize your pregnancy and your baby’s health.

3. What happens after purchasing the course? How soon can I begin?

Upon enrolling in the course, TGM mamas get instant access to each module so you can access all the resources whenever and wherever.

4. Can I share the course with others?

Yes and no. We’d love for you to tell your friends and family about TGM. However, sharing your course log-in or course materials is strictly prohibited, as this is protected intellectual property. As our course is always available on the TGM website, You can refer anyone you’d like to share this course with to this page. Thank you for your understanding and protecting our hard work. This will also aid in our ability to produce even more great content and education in the future.

5. Are there discounts or sales available on the course?

We may discount the course for certain holiday promotions, but only for a very limited time and it’s not guaranteed. We’ve priced the course to value and stand behind the investment into your health. The best way to save is to purchase both courses at the bundle price, which saves you a full 15%.

6. Are refunds available? 

Due to the digital nature of this course, refunds are not available as it cannot be returned. However, we want every TGM mama to be fully satisfied with their learning experience. Should you have any concerns whatsoever, please send an email to and we’ll do everything we can to make it right.

7. What if I have special dietary restrictions?

Our signature courses are created with the modern, conscious woman in mind and cater to all types of dietary lifestyles. Instead of generic one-size-fits-all diet plans, TGM offers you tangible ways to elevate and supercharge your unique diet, whether you’re vegan or have other dietary concerns.

Get Inside & Start Thriving

Like the Natural Goddess You Are

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