How It All Started

Your 9-month pregnancy and the birth of your child are transformative, momentous, and joyous periods of time. They can also be full of unforeseen surprises and challenges. 

Imagine my surprise when at 36 weeks, during a routine check-up (just a month before my due date), there was a serious medical concern that required an emergency cesarean section a few short days later. It shook me to my core.

I felt like my entire self-worth as a nutritionist flew out the door. That I’d failed myself and my unborn child - even though the medical emergency was outside of my control.

Despite my great appreciation for Western medicine and my gratitude for critical intervention, I knew that this was just the beginning of a long road to fully restore my health.

I decided that my healing journey would need to take a different course. So I looked to my Eastern roots and sought guidance from ancient wisdom & traditions. 

This time of extensive personal research and exploration, as well as becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, led me to create a synergistic method of my own.

I founded The Gaia Method in pursuit of nourishing and healing modern mamas like myself.

It is my hope that you will feel supported to take charge of your own journey, embrace your inner Gaia, and feel like the total goddess you are. Do you believe that? I know I do!

- Vivian


get to know the founder

Dishing a Bit More
About Me



Honestly, I feel most inspired when I’m near the ocean.


Other Half

In the 6th grade. Crazy, right?

03. MY GO-TO

Drink Order

An orange seltzer, please!

04. i was

Born In

Hong Kong, China

05. Most recently

Resided In

Cambridge, UK



Living in

Vancouver, BC

07. always


Noodles & pasta!

08. Can't leave

Home Without

My Teddy coat

09. pregnancy


A cozy, plush throw

10. Motherhood

in One Word



"Vivian is truly a remarkable woman that is eager to share her knowledge about all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Her passion and love for her work is remarkable. I'm so thankful to have The Gaia Method to guide me through motherhood."

I’ve explored different modalities of self-care and compiled them for you to reimagine for yourself & forge your own path.

TGM goes beyond the generic "drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables" advice. Let’s talk bone broths, healing elixirs… & so much more!

By nourishing your body, you’re also nurturing your baby and giving he/she the best possible new beginning.

Created with the busy, modern mama in mind, each course is designed to make you feel well taken care of - this is about self-care, after all!

The Travelog

Destinations & experiences that Have Shaped My Methods, Near & Far

A matcha tea ceremony near


Making raw coconut milk in

Bora Bora

Truffle hunting in the

Italian Countryside

Harvesting wild seaweed in the pristine

Tofino, BC

I believe pregnancy can be a stunning, gorgeous and sexy experience - one that makes you feel so good you could be on the cover of Vogue! I’m not even kidding! 

I’ve explored different modalities of self-care and compiled them for you to reimagine for yourself & forge your own path.

TGM goes beyond the generic "drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables" advice. Let’s talk bone broths, healing elixirs… & so much more!

By nourishing your body, you’re also nurturing your baby and giving he/she the best possible new beginning.

Created with the busy, modern mama in mind, each course is designed to make you feel well taken care of - this is about self-care, after all!

why you'll love tgm


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